Friday, November 20, 2015

Emission Control Systems of a Vehicle

Those who are new with automobile or automotive engines have to know that there are three main control systems in each vehicle to control emissions of pollutants. These three control systems are discussed below:

a. The Control System of Exhaust Emission: You may find some important devices, which aid to reduce pollutants from exhaust gases. Catalytic converter is a great example of the exhaust emission control system. If you look closely, it will find it very similar to the muffler. You fill find it in the exhaust system of your vehicle, ahead of the muffler. At the inner of this catalytic converter, you will find some pellets made of palladium or platinum. When exhaust gases of your vehicle are passed over the converter, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons get converted into carbon dioxide and water.

b. The Control System of Crankcase Emission: Blow by gases escaped from your engine try to find out their way through crankcase. The crankcase emission control system aids to send them back into the engine to burn them. The main purpose of this system is to resist escaping of blow by gases.  

c. Evaporative Emission Control System: Do you know your engine fuel tries to escape from your fuel system in the vapor form? Actually, fuel vapors try to escape through carburetor blow vents, fuel tank, and air cleaner. In a typical carbureted vehicle, fuel vapors are ducted to canisters, which contain activated carbon to absorb these vapors. During certain operational mode of your engine, the canister draws fresh air and pulls the pulls the fuel vapor into the engine to burn.


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