Friday, November 20, 2015

Classification of IC (Internal Combustion) Engine

IC Engine Classification 



Have you any idea about your engine’s category and class? If your answer is no, then Just follow the following classification of IC engines and find out your engine’s category. Actually, IC engines are classified in different categories according to operation, fuel use, and arrangement and some other subject of views. The following are some important categories to classify IC engine:
1.      The use of fuel varies from engine to engine. According to working fuel, IC Engines are classified as follows-
a.       Diesel Engine
b.      Petrol Engine
c.       Gas Engine
2.      According to the operation cycle IC Engines are classified in three distinct categories, and these are-
a.       Diesel Cycle
b.      Otto Cycle
c.       Dual Cycle
3.      The method of Ignition classifies IC Engines into three other categories, which are-
a.       CI Engines (Compression Ignition Engines)
b.      SI Engines (Spark Ignition Engines)
c.       Hot Spot Ignition Engines
4.      According to the number of cylinder, IC engines are of two types.  
a.       Single Cylinder Engine
b.      Multi Cylinder Engine
5.      According to number of strokes, IC engines are of two types.
a.       Four Stroke Cycle Engine
b.      Two Stroke Cycle Engine
6.      The mechanism of valve, classifies IC engines into two different types.
a.       Side Valve Engines
b.      Overhead Valve Engines
7.      Fuel Injection Methods vary from engine to engine. According to the injection method, IC engines are classed as follows-
a.       Airless Injection Engines
b.      Air Injection Engines
c.       Carburettor Engines
8.      The Arrangement of Cylinders has classed IC Engines in seven different categories, and these are as follows-
a.       Horizontal
b.      Vertical
c.       Inline
d.      Radial
e.       V-type
f.       Opposite Piston Engines
g.      Opposite Cylinder Engines


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