Friday, November 20, 2015

Lubricating Oil Functions

Lube oil and lubrication system is really an important factor for your engine. Do you have any idea about its functions? Following points will give you a clear idea about its importance: 

  1. Lubrication: The main function of your engine’s lube oil is to reduce frictional losses of all rotating parts. It also aids to move them properly and smoothly.
  2. Cleaning: You can also call it a cleaning agent. It aids to resists slug formation in the engine cylinder. When piston moves up and down, piston ring scrape down accumulated carbon from the engine cylinder to oil sump. It also removes products of wear from all other moving parts and bearings.
  3. Cooling: Lube oil also aids to cool surfaces by taking heat from all moving parts. Thus, it ensures proper functioning of your engine by removing extra heat generated by moving parts. You can also check it yourself. Just take a look at the navigation system of your car. You will see the increasing temperature of the lube oil.
  4. Sealing: May be you are thinking how it seals. To understand its sealing capability, you have to think broadly. It functions as a good seal between cylinder walls and piston rings. To do so, you have to select quality lube oil that is capable to withstand against high temperature. Here, the lube oil should have adequate viscosity stability. 
  5. Noise Reduction: If all moving parts of your engine are subjected to movement without lube oil, they will create harsh noise. Here, lube oil aids to move them smoothly without any noise.


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