Friday, November 20, 2015

Internal Combustion Engines (IC Engines)

What is an Internal Combustion Engine and How Does it Work?

Your automotive engine is a great example of an IC engine. The IC engine of your vehicle is totally different from EC engines in the way that they do not use any external or secondary part for combustion. Here, the heat energy generated by the combustion of air-fuel mixture works as the main working element of the engine. Petrol, diesel, gas, Wankel engines are some examples of IC engines. Jet engine is another great example of an IC engine. Which criteria does your vehicle fulfill?

The working principle of your vehicle’s IC engine is not such a critical one. You just need to concentrate a bit to understand it clearly. You have to remember that in an IC engine air-fuel mixture gets combusted in the engine cylinder, where this part exists as the internal part of that engine. When this mixture is combusted at high pressure and temperature, it produces a powerful thrust to the engine piston that is transferred to the shaft through mechanical arrangements. Here, proper ratio is maintained to mix the air with the fuel to get better combustion.


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