Friday, November 20, 2015

Exhaust Systems

The exhaust system of your vehicle is really a vital factor for both human health and environment. So, you have to understand it clearly. You should remember that the basic function of your vehicle’s exhaust system is to collect, clean, and quiet exhaust gases of your engine. If you are running a car with V type engine, then you will find two exhaust systems for two cylinder banks. This system includes following important parts and elements: 

a. Exhaust manifold
b. Exhaust pipe
c. Tail pipe
d. Catalytic converter
e. Muffler
f. Resonator 

a. Exhaust Manifold: Are you facing problem to find out the exhaust manifold portion of your engine? It is nothing but a set of tubes of passages. It carries the exhaust gas from your engine cylinder to the exhaust pipe. It also combines exhaust gas flows into a single flow through a pipe or tube.  

b. Tail Pipe: You can easily find out this pipe from your vehicle. The pipe that delivers exhaust gases into the environment is known as the tail pipe. You can also say it an external part of your car. It takes exhaust gases from the resonator, and then delivers it to natural air. 

c. Catalytic Converter: You will find the catalytic converter of your vehicle in between the engine pipe and the muffler. Probably, you are thinking why this part exists in the exhaust system of your vehicle. Yes, this part is one of the vital parts here. It aids to purify exhaust gases of your engine. It absorbs harmful contents, and thus aids to reduce CO percentage. 

d. Muffler: If you give a close look to your vehicle’s exhaust system, then you will see a hollow cylinder like part in between the catalytic converter and the resonator. This part of your engine is widely known as the muffler. This part aids to muffle the noise of your engine’s exhaust gases. The inner construction of this part contains a series of passages, holes, and resonance chamber, where the noise produced by the high pressure exhaust gases gets damped. 

c. Resonator: This part exists in between the tail pipe and the axle pipe of your engine. The curved pipe or tube on your vehicle’s exhaust system is widely known as the axle pipe. It is also a hollow cylinder like arrangement, which further resists the thrust created by the exhaust gas. 


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