Friday, November 20, 2015

Lube Oil Indicators

Basically, there are four types of lube oil indicators available in the market. You may find any one of the following indicators in your car:
a.      Digital Gauge
b.      Indicator Light
c.       Electronic Gauge
d.      Electric Gauge

  1. Digital Gauge: If you are running a car with an electronic instrument cluster, you will find a digital lube oil gauge along with this that aids to show you the pressure of your engine’s lube oil. It will show you whether your engine’s lube oil pressure is high or low.
  2. Indicator Light: If your car uses an indicator light system, then you will find it connected with the oil pressure switch, ignition switch, and with the battery in a series. If your engine’s lube oil pressure fall below the normal, then it turns on and warns you about it.
  3. Electronic Gauge: You will find this type of gauge as a part cluster in cars having electronic instrument cluster. It is also similar to electronic fuel gauge system. It shows pressures as bar graphs.
  4. Electric Gauge: The operation of your car’s electric lube oil gauge is as similar to the fuel gauge. You may find any one of the following electric gauge in your car:
i. Thermal Gauge 
ii. Magnetic Gauge


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